Refractory clay pottery casseroles from Pereruela for cooking spoonfuls of vegetables, stews, casseroles and many others such as broth rice, fish or game stews. All models of casseroles such as bowls, pots, casseroles with a lid and a straight pot can be put on any type of fire except induction which will need a diffuser.

Special straight pan to use in Kamado, wood-fired ovens or any kind of fire (lexcept induction stoves).

Clay pot called bowl, made with refractory clay from Pereruela in Rosa Pottery Workshop. It is a piece that stands out for its beautiful shape, with belly, ideal for stews with broth and all kinds of legumes

Traditional piece with lid, of large height and therefore of good use, for cooking in all types of fires, such as “cocidos”, lentils, beans or any type of stew.

Round-shaped piece of refractory clay from Pereruela with two handles and lid that has a height of about 8 cm, the smallest, up to 16 cm the largest. Their diameters range from individual use 15 cm to 50 cm for professional use.